Secretaries' Innovation Group

Legislative Overview

     House Ed and Workforce Updates
      Marek Laco, House Ed and Workforce

     Paragon Health Institute​

      Brain Blase, Paragon Health Institute


      War on Poverty​

      Robert Rector, Heritage
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the State Workforce

     Human Services - Personalization and Policy Goals with AI
      Stephen Goldsmith, Harvard Bloomberg Center on Cities​   

Food Stamps is where we will find and meet the need for state labor 

    Work and Nonwork among SNAP Recipients (Nonelderly adults, Oct 2019-Feb 2020)
      Douglas J. Besharov, U-MD

​     Wisconsin Works

     Jason Turner, Executive Director, SIG


     Kansas SNAP Reforms

      Steve Greene, former Kansas human service administrator

Growing and expanding successful sector- based training programs that have large net impacts

     Growing and expanding successful sector-based training programs that have large net impacts
     Garrett Warfield, Year Up
     Strategies for Replicating Training Programs
      Brent Orrell, AEI

Accelerating two year and certificate graduates in community college training programs 

     Complete College America

      Grace Mukupa, Complete College America

Universal Basic Income and its potential negative impact on society 

     New Local Guaranteed Income Pilots

      Les Ford, Ford Policy Solutions

Acting on opportunities to implement a WIOWA consolidated single state agency and adopting Empowerment Accounts to promote individual self sufficiency 

     Alliance for Opportunity

      Rachel Barkley, Alliance for Opportunity

​     Workforce and Social Services Reform Task Force Developing Louisiana’s Vision for Integrated Workforce Development

      Aly Rau, Louisiana Department of Children and Family Support

Helping individuals succeed in substance abuse and mental health treatment using mandatory Assisted Outpatient Treatment

     Outpatient Civil Commitment: A compassionate response to anosognosia

      Amy Lukes, Treatment Advocacy Center

Reduction in marijuana schedule I to III proposed and current approaches to drug policy 

     Consequences to Current Approaches to Drug Policy

      Elinore McCance-Katz, M.D., former Administrator, SAMSHA

Expanding the state supply of in-home child care

     Driving Quality Outcomes in Child Care

      Chris Bennett, CEO Wonderschool 

Introduction to the Cicero Institute

     SIG – Introduction and Overview

      Adam Meier, Cicero Institute 

Washington, DC SIG July 2024

**To view power point presentations and supporting materials, click on underlined title.